Tatum's nursery reveal
I am so excited to finally share Tatum’s nursery! I never chose a specific “theme.” I just went the route of a pink and white color scheme and focused on pieces I loved. I wanted her room to be pretty but also very practical, so you will see a lot of versatile furniture and decor!
Our photos were taken by Mandi of Chesapeake Charm Photography.

Crib area
I knew I wanted a white crib and something inexpensive since she would only use it for a few years. I found hers at Target on sale for under $180. It also converts into a toddler bed which is nice. I splurged more on the mattress… after doing research I decided to go with the Newton one for its breathability and safety ratings. She seems to sleep pretty well in her crib so far!
Her name sign is from Etsy. I think it’s very pretty but we did need to create a way to hang it up since it doesn’t come with hooks or anything, it’s just like a flat piece of wood on the back.It also makes me nervous having the sign above her crib because it could really hurt her if it falls, so we keep her crib out a few inches from the wall.

Glider area
Early on in my pregnancy I knew I wanted a really comfy glider! I knew I would be spending tons of time feeding her, rocking her, and reading to her in it. I absolutely love the one we chose and I love that we can use it for years to come in other areas of our house. It is super comfortable and spacious. My only regret is not spending a little bit more money to get the automatic reclining option. We chose the manual so I have to physically lift the lever on the side to prop up the leg part of the chair and it’s not the smoothest. I have a hard time pushing the leg part back down so I have to get out of the chair to push it back down which is still hard to do. The whole process is not doable (or necessarily safe) with a sleeping baby so I feel like I can’t even use that feature. But I would highly recommend a comfy glider because of how much time you’ll spend in it!
I found the gold table at homegoods or tj maxx so I can’t link it. I also switched out the lamp for the Hatch sound machine and night light, which we use all the time! There are so many customizable settings and you can control everything from your phone. We loved it so much I ended up buying one for our bedroom too!

Dresser and changing area
I always said I would refuse to buy a changing table since they are only good for just that. A dresser is way more practical! I went with this 3 drawer one from the Hemnes collection from Ikea and purchased the knobs separately from Anthropologie. This way she will be able to use it even when she is older. I did splurge on the Hatch changing mat because it can easily be wiped down. We have had so many messes from spit up to poop and pee and it’s so easy to clean and never have to worry about washing or changing sheets on a cushioned changing pad. The other amazing feature of the Hatch is that it functions as a baby scale. This has been super handy because I have had to monitor her weight at home. It has saved us several trips to the doctor’s – she just has me check it at home and call her with the results.
I actually had the gold shelf already but it ended up fitting in her room the best out of the whole house. I did buy her mirror specifically for her room but it is another piece of furniture that can be used later!

Closet area
Tatum’s closet is pretty small but luckily we didn’t end up needing much room. Most if the clothes in her closet don’t even fit her yet but it gives us somewhere to store them, and I think they look pretty all hung up. I bought the storage unit from Target to keep her toys and books in and it’s worked out well so far.

shop tatum's nursery
*not pictured but recently added:
paint color
The paint color is called dress rehearsal by valspar.