Baby Number 2!

Baby Number 2!

We are SO excited to finally share our news that our rainbow baby number 2 is on the way! I am due August 11th and will be 15 weeks on Monday – what better holiday to share our news on than Valentine’s day?!

It feels like just yesterday I was announcing my first pregnancy with Tatum and am still in shock that we will have TWO children this summer! Now that I am past the first trimester – Ryan and I kept this secret between the two of us for 13 weeks – I have SO much to share!

Navigating Pregnancy After Loss

So far this pregnancy has been very difficult for me in various ways. I had a chemical pregnancy (essentially, a very early miscarriage) back in September, two months before this baby was conceived. Although I was VERY early on when I lost my last pregnancy (likely 4-5 weeks), I have definitely felt more anxious this time. I also feel like I was suffering in silence at times because I didn’t feel comfortable telling ANYONE (besides Ryan obviously) about this pregnancy until after I could do all the first trimester testing. Even after all the optional bloodwork and extra scans, even though all the results came back “normal” and even after the doctors told me everything looked great – I still don’t think I’ll feel completely settled until I get to hold this baby in my arms. I definitely remember feeling this way with Tatum as well, but not nearly to this extent. But, on paper, this baby is perfectly healthy as far as we know and I am trying to remind myself of that!

First Trimester Recap

This first trimester nearly took me OUT. I found out early on, around 4 weeks, though I didn’t start having symptoms until about 6 weeks – mostly nausea/vomiting and increased fatigue. With Tatum I threw up pretty much every day – multiple times per day – up until my due date. Luckily I didn’t have all day nausea with her, which is different from this pregnancy – for about 7 weeks I experienced all day nausea, frequent vomiting, and the worst fatigue I’ve ever felt. Of course I know taking care of a toddler definitely adds another level of difficulty, as does working night shift on limited sleep. But, thankfully, since I turned 13 weeks, I feel like I’ve turned a corner, though I still throw up most days. I also started taking zofran as needed (I’ll just take a tiny 2mg dose at a time) and that has helped so much.

All that aside it still feels like this pregnancy has been flying by. I haven’t taken a single bump photo (with Tatum I started taking them at 10 weeks). I pretty much have had the same cravings and aversions as I did with my first pregnancy (more on that here). So really the only differences are that I have felt even MORE sick and tired than I did with her – but I know it will all be worth it! This first trimester really took so much out of me and I am so thankful I am finally starting to feel like myself again. Of course we’re mostly just excited now and am so happy to finally be able to talk about this pregnancy. We can’t wait to see Tatum become a big sister and get to hold this baby in our arms!

Q & A

I posted a Q&A over on my Instagram Stories for anyone interested – I’ll keep it anonymous so feel free to ask anything! I’ll share my answers in a blog post as well as on stories.


Hi, friends! I live in downtown Baltimore, Maryland with my husband Ryan and newborn daughter Tatum. Welcome to, where I share all my favorite sales, fashion finds, beauty products, baby items, motherhood adventures, and more!

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