1 Year Blogiversary: My Tips for Bloggers + Giveaway!

I can’t believe Colleen C Cook is already 1 year old!

This year has been so fun and I am so happy I get to do what I love every day!

Today I am sharing the answers to my most frequently asked question: HOW I GREW MY INSTAGRAM AND BLOG! I am also sharing my answers to your questions from my stories Monday regarding this post!

Define Your Brand.

This is a good starting point for new bloggers! When you decide to create a blog, it helps to have a vision of what it is you want to share. I loved posting outfit photos on Instagram but was also interested in beauty and home decor so I decided to create a Fashion & Lifestyle blog.

Use One Preset.

I use the same preset for most of my Instagram photos. If you don’t know what a preset is, it is a filter for photos you can apply instantly. I started off playing around with presets from Dreamy Presets, and eventually adapted the “Lilac” preset with my own additional edits for the past couple months. The Lilac is no longer available, but I linked a similar one here. You can download presents or create your own in the Lightroom app. I love using Lightroom because it has so many customizable options.

Something else to keep in mind – sometimes I do need to make additional edits from one photo to the next depending on the lighting etc. The biggest adjustment I make is increasing/decreasing the shadows.

Be Authentic.

Just share what you genuinely love! This helps make your brand unique. When you are excited about what you share, others will be excited too!

Make Connections.

I can’t stress this topic enough!! When I decided to start a fashion account on Instagram, I already had a personal account with over 1,000 followers. So, I decided it would be easier and faster to just turn my personal account into a blog account. I am so glad I did this because I already had an audience and following.

Interacting with other bloggers increases your chances of being noticed by brands. This also helps to increase you engagement; many bloggers will like and comment back on your photos. You can also collaborate by hosting giveaways, sharing photos of theirs you like, or products they recommended that you like too. For example, I talked on my stories about a pair of earrings I bought that I had seen a another blogger post about, and she shared my story posts on her stories.

Post Consistently.

I noticed an increase in my engagement rates once I started posting at the same time every day. I work night shift so it works well for me to post at 6pm. Choose a time that works for you!

As far as blog posts go, I try to stick to a consistent schedule – Sundays and Wednesdays with a few “extra” posts on special days in the mix. (For example, this one!) I have noticed that Sundays usually see the highest engagement which is why I chose that day. I also wanted to give my followers a weekday option too and spread the posts apart, so I figured Wednesday would work well. It is OK whether you are able to publish a blog post biweekly or every other day; just do what works for you!

Use Multiple Social Media Accounts.

In addition to Instagram, I have a Facebook Page and Pinterest account. This helps increase awareness of your blog because everyone may not have an Instagram account etc. Try to keep the same usernames and profile photos if you can so that you will be recognized.

Utilitize Instagram Stories.

As Instagram as increasingly relying on stories, brands are too – they DO ask for my number of story views! I make sure to always have multiple stories up at all times, even if I’m not posting at the same time every day.

Stay Organized.

  • Office – A couple months ago I finally decided to set up a home office space. Before that I would sit on my couch and rest my computer on a tray table. A local coffee shop will do too! Plan “office hours” for specific times to sit down and work on your blog, instagram etc. Here are the links for my chair and desk.
  • Calendar – I found this dry erase calendar at Amazon. I use these fine tip markers and color coordinate my stories, Instagram and blog posts every day.
  • Planner – I have used several brands but always go back to this Lilly planner. Next year I plan on buying the jumbo planner!

Take a Blogging Course.

I explained more about this in my last blog post but I think classes are great options for beginners because they save you SO much time! The one I took is VERY informative and a lot of the information was new to me! Read more about it here.

Host Giveaways.

This is one of the fastest ways to gain followers. They give your followers a reward for following you. I love doing them on my own because I can decide what I want people to do to enter (Like my last 10 photos, etc.)

DO NOT buy followers, those accounts are fake and it is an obvious turn off to brands.

Give Yourself a Break!

I know I keep saying all of these topics are important, but this one truly is!! Don’t give up because someone else is “gaining followers faster” etc, because you will never be satisfied. Also if you are short on photos and can’t post one day, I promise it will be okay!

Q&A from Monday Instagram Stories

  • Q: Do you think people stick around for your monthly giveaways?
    • I don’t know. There are several accounts that always enter but I could have 15 people enter one giveaway and 100 enter the next, depending on the instructions and prize.
  • Q: What are the most rewarding and most challenging parts about blogging?
    • Most rewarding: interacting with other people! When someone posts about something I shared it makes me feel like I made an impact. It is also fun to talk with and meet people with common interests! Trying out new products is also near the top – I have found so many favorite items from other bloggers and new brands!
    • Most difficult: taking photos! Surprisingly this is a big challenge because there are so many factors that go into it: weather, lighting, finding people to take photos, finding the time to take photos, finding new locations, etc. However it does feel good in the end when I finally get one I really like!
  • Q: How did you grow your Instagram following?
    • I have gained a lot of my followers from hosting big giveaways with giveaway accounts like @bloggergiveawaysss.
    • Also, interacting with other blogger accounts, following them, liking and commenting on their photos, and engaging with people who are not bloggers but people I think will like my Instagram.


While I do love blogging, it is not more important than the people in my life. With that said I most grateful for the connections I have made online and offline and for everyone who sticks around!

To celebrate my blog being 1 year old and everyone who follows along, I am hosting giveaway on Instagram! One of you will win this beauty box with over 70 goodies! Click the photo below to see how to enter!


Hi, friends! I live in downtown Baltimore, Maryland with my husband Ryan and newborn daughter Tatum. Welcome to colleenccook.com, where I share all my favorite sales, fashion finds, beauty products, baby items, motherhood adventures, and more!